oh.... Wisconsin is Sooooooo broke.... we are going to the dogs..... actually. A provision of The State Budget Repair Bill..... is about selling shelter animals ...... for scientific experiments....
SECTION 2704. 174.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
174.13 (2) Any officer or pound which has custody of an unclaimed dog may release the dog to the University of Wisconsin System, the University of Wisconsin–
Madison, the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc., or to any other educational institution of higher learning chartered under the laws of the state and accredited to the University of Wisconsin System or University of Wisconsin–Madison, upon requisition by the institution. The requisition shall be in writing, shall bear the signature of an authorized agent, and shall state that the dog is requisitioned for scientific or educational purposes. If a requisition is made for a greater number of dogs than is available at a given time, the officer or pound may supply those immediately available and may withhold from other disposition all unclaimed dogs coming into the officer’s or pound’s custody until the requisition is fully discharged, excluding impounded dogs as to which ownership is established within a reasonable period. A dog left by its owner for disposition is not considered an unclaimed dog under this section. If operated by a county, city, village or town, the officer or pound is entitled to the payment of $1 for each dog requisitioned. An institution making a requisition shall provide for the transportation of the dog.”
..... HMMMMMMMM...... this could be a Republican way to, ah, supply 'school lunches' After all.... who really knows what's in those muttballs.
.....of course.... if you ask Walker..... he would say that this should not surprise anyone..... he was completely honest during his campaign...
Bust Unions. Sell Dogs.
Just because you write it does not make it true. This law has been on the books for 40 years with just the University name change.
Jack Straw
//The amendment has raised eyebrows in part because UW-Madison doesn't currently use stray dogs in experiments.//
oops.... I think
Scott meant stray teachers and unionists.
... if then thought enough to 'amend' the law.... perhaps it should have been rescinded... as long as they were thinking of it.
He's simply a puke. Purely a puke.
Impeachment is in order I think. Give him the bum's rush.
I was relieved to read Anonymous's link saying that in reality it doesn't change the law that was on the books. But to your point, the fact that the law even exists is heinous and they should rescind it. I do understand sometimes we need to use animals in experiments but at least if they are raised for the purpose it bothers me a little less than it would for someone's pet to get lost and end up being experimented on. I'm thinking NJ is probably one of the states that forbids using shelter animals but will now have to check to make sure!
There's no end to the mischief and damage a really bad pol can do when he or she gets hold of some power.
I would say in light of Wisconsin's budget woes that perhaps elected Republicans be offered to Detroit as crash test dummies and then, use their brains -- albeit tiny, tiny brains, in laboratory experiments.
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