Just got back from the blood drive..... yadda, yadda..... I donate all the time. I think I have donated over 543 gallons in my life time. Makes me feel like a really nice guy.
And it is amazing how much like donuts blood cells look like..... when you look really really close.
I'll have a bucket of platelets please.
You are what you eat. If you ate steak all the time, your blood cells would look like miniature cows.
OMG... huge groan to the two comments above me.
Those two.... ;)
no orange juice? i know no beer
I used to donate for the donuts.
Now, I donate because if I should get run into by a drunk driver on the freeway, I hope the blood transfusion Gods will remember me at the hospital ED.
Ayn Rand would be so proud.
buckets of platelets and a side of slaw, Utah, works for me.
You are what you eat, Randal? Then my blood is like peanut butter.
Sunshine... a groan a day works for me.
Dcap...ya, then give you OJ...I just have to bring my own vodka.
Christoper... yuppers...the life you save may be your own!
It appears I was on TV last night...at the blood drive yesterday a camera crew from some local TV was interviewing me .. the "who are you...why are you donating" stuff, and I got a tad snarky and just told her I only donate for the 'cookies'. I didn't think they would air it, but last night at the concert some woman comes up to me and said, "I saw you on TV...you donate blood for cookies!" Never, never talk with TV people.
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