Thursday, January 29, 2009

Name THAT Book!!!

OKee DoKEE! Spartz of tagged me (caused I tagged him) with this Book Thingee.......

You need to go the nearest book you find. Next, open it to page 46 and write out the fifth sentence on that page, and the next two to five after that. Once, you've done that, pass the meme onto five other bloggers you know.

OK.... now I gotz books all over the place, mostly with pictures of naked people doing what naked people do when naked and even some books with pictures of naked people drinking beer and eating doughnuts....... AND some books that are comprised entirely with WORDS!!! So I followed the instructions and , wowsers!, this is what I GOT......

For most, there was no escape. The Streltsy hammered down locked doors, looked under beds and behind altars, thrusting their pikes into every dark space where a human might be hiding. Those who were caught were dragged to the Red Staircase and thrown over the balustrade. Their bodies were dragged from the Kremlin through the Spassky Gate and into Red Square, where they were tossed onto a growing pyramid of dismembered. With sharp blades at their throats, the court dwarfs were forced to find the Naryshikins.

Boy! Sounds like some gruesome Stuff!!

So..... if anyone can guess what I am reading..... they win a free doughnut!!!

Good Luck!!

PS. &STUFF.... I would tag other bloggers, but I am really behind at work and must get back to pretending that I am working and that I know what I am doing, which is really hard work.

Holy Mother of Pearl!!


Life As I Know It Now said...


Mary Ellen said...

I'm not sure, but I think that paragraph was from the St. Albert the Great school handbook. Or maybe it was something that one of the nuns told me she was going to do to my smart mouthed brother.

Anonymous said...

Would that book happen to be Peter The Great? Best Russian Czar,,,EVER!!!!

Randal Graves said...

How about next time you use the Paint program to draw some of those naked ladies!

okjimm said...

no, Libs, " ;" is not the name of the book! :)

ME..nope, no St. Albert....

SPARTZ WINS A DOUghNUT! How you figgered it out from that paragraph is gonna make me wonder all weekend.

( I gotzta work on delivery details. Bear with me!)

Randal, you bring the naked ladies and I will supply the paint!

Distributorcap said...

you should be Book Tsar -- ( i like the var spelling)

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