Sunday, June 22, 2008

Goals Accomplished

Ten miles out....ten miles in. Three out of four. I'm feeling this great sense of accomplishment. It is good for a man to have a goal. Gees, what was number four?


Anonymous said...

Is that a hybrid bike I see? It's just so very cute. *girly giggles*

okjimm said...

Yessirree, be a really cutie....I like it big bunches....if it could cook and do crossword puzzles I might marry it.

susan said...

I like the country path.. made me imagine a nice flower filled meadow with a little stream up around the next bend. Please don't tell me you were on your way to the local WalMart.

Mary Ellen said...

Ok, I know that isn't water that you're carrying in that pack on your bike. Beer? Or, was that bike ride just a front for the pot you just harvested in those woods? C'mon, okjimm....fess up.

okjimm said...

....the pack, ME....? It is my script revison of the Bible...the OK Jimm version. I figure if I can condense it down to, oh, say, twenty or thirty pages, it will read better. Pot? In those woods?

I hide it better than that.

No, Susan, Walmart and I are not well acquainted. But there is a nice bar about a couple of miles from there, right along the river.

Patio Bar...good pale ale!!

Mary Ellen said...

New version of the Bible? Personally, I have the feeling that the serpent didn't tempt Eve to eat an Apple from "The Tree of Life", I think it was a pot plant and she smoked it...then she gave some to Adam and THEN they ate an Apple cuz they got the munchies. (They didn't have brownies back in those days). Then, when they got high, they had hot sex, and then tried to make clothes out of the pot leaves (not fig leaves like they say in the current Bible).

Wait....could I go to hell for saying stuff like this? 8-O

okjimm said...

Gees, ME....Hell is other people (someone else said that, I forgot whom.)....Anda I kinda like your version of the Bible.....

Randal Graves said...

ME, you should write up your version of the Bible and start a new religion. If thar be copious amounts of lighting up and horizontal shuffling, I'll convert.

Life As I Know It Now said...

me too!

Blank said...

Why is it pointed toward the weeds like so? Is it taking a leak?

okjimm said... if we take ME's idea, Randal has seconded, Liberality is in....hmmmmm kinda like combining 'Holy Smoke' with 'Holy Rolling'. Sounds good to me!

Any one wanna be Pope? Or should we just rent one for starters??

SWB...I was taking a leak....or a smoke break...or maybe just having a beer, hmmmmmm maybe it was taking a leak.

susan said...

hah! I got kinda crazy at the bookstore a couple of weeks ago and decided to shop for a bible to go with my new copy of the kama sutra (the old one got a bit messed up). There were like 40 different versions of the damn thing so I just passed on it but if there'd been a short one focussed on the fun stuff I'd be reading it now.

okjimm said...

oh, wowsers! You're CORRECT....all new bibles must have a few pages of Kama Sutra... shit....ana I already sent my script to the printers! Time for the braille supplement.

susan said...

Then it could really be a feel good book.

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