Ok. What I do? Look, I really don’t want to know , myself, let alone explain it. Just to make it simple, it’s sales and marketing. Mostly for big Fucking Companies… or politely put, Fortune 100 type who have some big goddam plan about how the proper spin on something can make it possible to sell fucking refrigerators to Eskimos and my deal is to find out if it is, or not, and why or some such shit. It is all business to business, or B2B as we like to call it. I make a lotta phone calls and research buncha stuff on the computer and so forth and stuff.
Well, anyways, somebody had the bright idea that the Eskimos up on Long Island, in the nice spots, Manhasset, East Northport, Syosett, Little Neck, Great Neck and No Neck, might need refrigerators.
Well…… they don’t! And my report is already written. But I still have to spend a couple of hours each morning calling business on Long Island. Now the City would be different……but not Roslyn or Jericho or Oyster Bay……shit&whiskers! Gimmee a Long Island Ice Tea….. but not the New York Minute….
In a New York Minute Things can get a little strange
In a New York Minute
Everything can change
In a New York Minute
Thank you, Don Henly!
So at 10 am CST I go to Michigan…..which has no Eskimos, but the whole place is a refrigerator, anyways…..so whatza point in going there! Iffen you know what I mean.
Lost in the dangling conversation
And the superficial sighs,
Are the borders of our lives.
People in Michigan are often surprised that ANYONE calls them at all…. So I try not to stay there long.
10:30 I get to LA.

Burbank, Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, North Hollywood….. and California is OK. Stuff is good in LA. Ya, there are some flakey folks and what not….and more than a fair amount of people that do not speak English….. but that ain’t no deal…. I live in Wisconsin and it seems that there are more than a few folks here that have difficulty with the language as well.
So I trip across the country daily..... it is just what I do. Georgia, Texas, Virginia... it's all the same street on different days, different ways, different clients, different projects....... so sometimes the best part of the day is heading on out to a place where people are real, the smiles genuine..........the phone is off........
.... and everyone knows your name. Cheers.