Clearly pointed out that the 'Ryan(Romney) plan will still not disclose the "LOOP HOLES AND DEDUCTIONS" they want to use to BALANCE the budget. Vague and elusive.....that is the republican way. " I won't tell you what I think, because you really don't need to know".... seems to be the campaign strategy for the Romney team. Gees.... if you will not disclose information..... when you need to.... you are lying. It's that simple. It ain't goodam brain surgery, here. If you have sex with a woman, and tell her you have had a vasectomy when you haven't... that is lying. If you have sex and DO NOT tell your partner you have the CLAP when you do and know it...... THAT IS LYING TOO..... Romeny/Ryan have the equivalent of a sexual disease, and seriously if you vote for them.... boy you will be pissing blood and pain for the next four years!
Oh shit..... where's the meds?
In good news.... I went to Ann Coulter's page...... as long as I was thinking of diseases, see..... and well..... it seems to have a problem....must be a mucous discharge. I googled 'Ann Coulter Mucous Discharge'.... had better luck with Ann Coulet seeriously Deranged. Fun with Internet, huh?
..... anyways.... back to the bird story....
I think it was about 4:30 or so when I got up to search for Gomez.... big cup of coffee and a couple of hits of Gold Bud and I hit the streets agiain with the tin of pot seeds and the mirror and bell... started scrounging the neighbor at Dawn's Early Light..(used to be a strip club by that name, see... and boy..was it a nice place.) Anyways... in only a half hour I could hear him...chirping away " Hello! Hello! What a Good Bird!"... the normal drivel he would say plus some of the whistles I had taught him....that little bugger was in a tall hemlock... just a block from the house. He hadn't gotten far! I crept delicately to the tree... shook the tin of pot seeds, whistled a bit and called his name. There was silence. Then I spotted him, at the edge, peering out at me. I whistle again and shook the morror at him. The narcissist little shit fell for it! He flew down a lit on my finger! In a flash I pinched his feet so he could not escape and the palmed him in my fist to complete the capture. It was then that I noticed an old lady looking out at me from her was her tree, see. Now at five am...I must have kind of looked suspicious. My beard then was thick and black and the hair cascaded to my shoulders. There was a phone call to the police coming up soon. I acted quick though, fueled by early moring coffee and some really righteous Colombian Gold Bud. " Lady... I caught my Bird!" and held up the captured fugitive. I am not sure what she made of it all, but I got my ass back home as soon as possible.
Mission accomplished! and I had enough time to shower and met the guys for the
Brewer game ride to Milwaukee! He was HOME! Ok.... this is when weird took over. See, after my shower I was rolling a couple of joints for the ride south, having a few puffs as I did. I had also slipped him a bud in his seed dish, figuring, " Oh, well, welcome back." I was also ranting on him... like, see, what a bad bird he was for flying off and how much I would have missed him and how lonely I would be without him.... ok...I was a young hippie talking to his what! But he came close to the edge of the cage, as if he was taking this all in, and being reflective about it.
Just when I was about ready to leave. he scratched his head with his feet, which is a really neat trick, you gotta admit, but don't try it. I did. Doesn't work. And then he wsaid.... "Sorry. Didn't mean to bum you out. just remember though..
"If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company."
... well boy, was I amazed....... listen I must finish this later.... got hit the social club at Oblios