.... and as I have less than twenty fours hours to hitch-hike to Portland......
Help yourself to a doughnut!
always expect the unexpected. That way when evil shit happens it won't be such a big surprise. Moab Diechleer
.... and as I have less than twenty fours hours to hitch-hike to Portland......
Help yourself to a doughnut!
But! I am not the world's dumbest guy, either, and for that I am greatly relieved because we have SIX of them in the office and four of them are assholes. ( the other two are too dumb to be genuine assholes)
I am just an average JIMM.... NOT A JOE...... and I find it very demeaning when some asshole tries to equate my existence to a great lump of humanity with which he has no contact. John McCain cannot fathom the malaise I feel. His lame attempt to equate me as a 'Joe Plumber' is offensive to me. Not that I would ever disparage a plumber, but it is this generalization of Americans as average bumpkins, this lumping together of everyone as 'plain folk' that also insinuates, in my opinion, John McCain's disdain and aloofness for the comman citizens he now wants to bond with.
Well, FUCK HIM! I lost my house. He has seven. I can barely afford to keep my car running. He does not even know how many vehicles he owns. I am sick of the PALIN/McCain campaign and their condescending attitude!
I am NOT a JOE-SIX pack!!!
******** Serious UPDATE!!!
The AP reports:
WASHINGTON - The Republican National Committee is halting presidential ads in Wisconsin and Maine, turning much of its attention to usually Republican states where GOP nominee John McCain shows signs of faltering. ...........A poll in Wisconsin by Quinnipiac University of New York for The Wall Street Journal and the Web site of The Washington Post, taken after last week's presidential debate, had Obama at 54 percent and McCain at 37 percent.
Now maybe I can watch my favorite reality TV show,
'Singing With Bi-Polar Midgets Who Screw Dancing Movie Stars' in peace!!!!!!!!!!