The concert at Waterfest was rained out last night. I had really wanted to check out Sonny Landreth. The Iguanas were on the bill, too, but I had no desire to hang out in the rain. It was the second show this season that was rained out. So it goes.
Ok. The thing of it is, while walking home in the rain a line from a song just jumped out of nowhere,
....gotta be careful, lyrics that hide behind bushes and jump out at you care be dangerous......
"And if it rains again tonight.."
and I was taken away by one of my favorite rock ballads, Hyperdrive by Jefferson Starship from the first Starship album in 74, Dragon Fly.
The album really kicks shit, but the song, Hyperdrive in my estimation, ranks right up there with Layla as a rock ballad. The band had reformed with Kantner and Slick adding Craig Chaquico on guitar with Papa John Creach doing electric violin. Their work on Hyperdrive still blows me away. The lyrics, though, are so evocative of a life in despair and the resiliency of the spirit to get through the despair. It is a poem that can stand by itself.
I haven't learned to make nifty links...and if you are not familiar with the song
Jefferson Starship
I never thought there were corners in time
Till I was told to stand in one
One straight line head on into the other
Maybe standing in the corner looks like where it's got to come.
But I pretend one wall is the past and one is the future
And I just stand here like the present looking for a Good place to run
Every fish that swims upstream now that's a catch
Because the full mouth never wants to stop cooking.
The map may be flat, the globe may be patched
But the long line keeps right on hooking
Circles in the ring of fire, where do you go
On a night that is clear and warm?
Oh where do you go?
I never thought there were corners in time
Till I was told to stand in one
I've heard circles moving right through corners
And they don't even know they've been around and around before
Ringing, ringing against each other on a singing chain
Like a flying magnet hyperdrive has never seen any reason
To remain the same.
Because I felt it I believe it
Because there are things I've never seen that I believe
So I'm going to place my face right in the triangle door
Till I can move right on through instead of just standing here
Looking at the floor.
And If it rains again tonight, I can think light years ahead
Or I could put myself back a thousand years ago
As if I'd always been here before or as if I am still to be born
I'm a slow loser, but I'm a fast learner
That much I know
Anyone can go
That much I know
Anyone can go
That much I know
Anyone can go.
Ok I need to get some work done before I leave this afternoon.