(I get a lotta mail with documents enclosed marked as such, so I know what I am talking about)

to provide for and an adequate number of pails and shovels to clean up after all the horse-shit. Now, campaigns may be fueled with bull-shit but all horse shit needs to be collected, removed and composted. So, Susan, I gotza problem wit dem big horses...if we use more than two, we have to downsize them

However, Susan, your note did get me to thinking..... and that is dangerous, please give me some room.... that while the campaign is going great..... except for the VP candidate playing 'catch-up' with hubby..
*Break me up! Never heard it called 'catch-up' before! Gees!*
..the ticket of Jood/Nunly does NOT have a political party NAME. And that's a gotta be fixed! Well, I thought for a moment that we could call it the Pail&Shovel Party..... but that was done before in 1979

some very cool dudes at the UW-Madison campus. And they did fulfill the most ambitious of all their campaign promises, mainly, bringing the
Statue of Liberty to Madison. Now we could just steal the name and recycle it, or we could invent a new name.......and Wowsers.....I betcha there would be a bunch a good suggestions. So, Susan, as the Director of Refreshments, I delegate that job to you. Now you may very well ask where do I get the authority to assign you such a job, but you will not get an answer. I am the Director of Refreshment and as such am way above giving answers.
I think, too, that the campaign needs a very specific, very do-able goal. Like, say, tearing down the Berlin Wall. I don't think it should be too difficult. Someone just needs to have the verve to stand up to the USSR and say, " Mr. Gorbachev , tear down this wall." It really shouldn't be that hard. And if they don't want to tear it down, maybe we could trade for it, ya know, like we will give them Shea Stadium; they are gonna tear it http://mysaturdayeveningpost.blogspot.com/
and New York could sure use it to keep all the illegal aliens from Jersey out.
Ok, Susan, I gotzta say no to the big horses thing.
The campaign has much more important things to accomplish and heavier considerations to weigh...... like..... is a doughnut better with custard filling....or jelly.
Ich bin ein Randaler.
*A Wowsers UPDATE..... pending Candidates approval.....The Jood/Nunly campaign is running on the
Shit From Shinola Party Ticket!
* Just to help differentiate.... This is Shinola
And this is shit....