always expect the unexpected. That way when evil shit happens it won't be such a big surprise. Moab Diechleer
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Dear little kids.......
I am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so
sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI
am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so
sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI
am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so
sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so
sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI
am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so
sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI
am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so
sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so
sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorryI
am so sorryI am so sorryI am so sorry
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
So.... a couple of Holiday Yolks
men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly
gates. 'In honor of this holy season' Saint Peter said, 'You must each
possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.'
The man from England fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter.
He flicked it on. 'It represents a candle', he said.
'You may pass through the pearly gates' Saint Peter said.
The man from Scotland reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.
He shook them and said, 'They're bells.'
Saint Peter said 'You may pass through the pearly gates'.
The Irish man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally
pulled out a pair of women's panties.
St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, 'And just what
do those symbolize?'
The Irishman replied, 'These are Carols.'
Ole and Lena were sitting down to their usual cup
of morning coffee listening to the weather report over the radio.
"There will be 3 to 5 inches of snow today and a snow emergency has been
declared. You must park your cars on the odd numbered side of the
Ole said, "Jeez, okay, best move da car" and got up.
Two days later, they were sipping their coffee
when the weather man came on again. "There will be 4 to 7 inches of snow
today and a snow emergency has been declared. You must park your cars
on the even numbered side of the streets."
Ole said, "Jeez, okay, I'll go move da car" and got up.
Three days later, Ole and Lena were again drinking
coffee when the weather man said, "There will be 10 to 13 inches of snow
today and a snow emergency has been declared. You must park your cars
on the..."
The power went off.
Ole looked baffled. "Vat am I gonna to do now,
Lena? Where do I park da car?" he asked.
"Aw Ole, yust leave de car in de garage," she
gates. 'In honor of this holy season' Saint Peter said, 'You must each
possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.'
The man from England fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter.
He flicked it on. 'It represents a candle', he said.
'You may pass through the pearly gates' Saint Peter said.
The man from Scotland reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.
He shook them and said, 'They're bells.'
Saint Peter said 'You may pass through the pearly gates'.
The Irish man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally
pulled out a pair of women's panties.
St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, 'And just what
do those symbolize?'
The Irishman replied, 'These are Carols.'

Monday, December 10, 2012
Let's remember the Job Creators.....
Well, the first snowfall happened yesterday. Not enough to inconvenience anyone much, but an amount significant to let you know that Winter is here...and it will not go away for a few months so you best get used to it, find something to do, put the bike away, find the gloves and shovel. Time to clean up stacks of stuff that has accumulated. And that is how I found her again.
It was last fall that the magazine exchange thing happened. Joe had a bunch of old Playboy magazines from the late 80's and early 90's, brand new, still in their plastic mailing bags. Someone had given him a subscription and he never read them. Gave them to me. Kind of interesting....the movies they panned that turned into big hits, the Sports predictions that they got right, the ones that were wrong. Electronic gadgets that were going to set the World ON FIRE....stuff like that. I passed them on to Dave...and in return he gave me a bunch of old National Geogrphics from the late 70;s and mid 80's. Those were very interesting. I gave some to the Ex and she gave me a bunch of old gardening magazines that I gave to Brian....that he ended up taking to an old folks was fun, it a low key way....everything was old enough to be just slightly quaint.
There was one of the National Geo's that got to me. A 1985 cover that had, like the Stones said, 'The Girl With The Far Away Eyes' on it. She seemed beautiful to me. They eyes grabbed you, though, in a way that was sad and sang back centuries. I reread the article, laboriously, the eyes continue to fade, but it was a real kick in the Gut to read it.
Do the History yourself. It would not help anyone for me to do it. It was 1985 when the article was written. It talks of how the Soviets arrived; at that time they had already been fighting Afghan tribes, political factions, guerrillas from Pakistan. It tells of refugees living away from their homeland areas. It talks of how America had, at that time, already channeled over $325mm in weapons to groups fighting the Russians.
....and now some of those same weapons are used to kill Americans.
....but we still do not GET IT....there is no winning in Afghanistan. Politicians and Pundits will tell you it is now America's longest WAR.....but the poeple their, just like the Vietnamese, have been fighting for Centuries. The British failed there in the mid-Nineteenth Century...they could not succeed. Alexander the Great could not conquer them in 325 BC....and no invaders in between could. It is easy for the press to call those fighting American forces, "Insurgents", which takes away who they really are...Pushtans,Tajiks, Badakshis,Nuristanis,Uzbeks, Hazara, Turkomens, Baluch....and it is there land. I do not understand insurgent. It is a made up word. Refugee is not. Many of the native people of Afghanistan now live in Pakistan. Refugees.
Obama has set a timetable to Withdraw from Afghanistan. 2014. Millions yet to spend. Some Republicans are against a timetable. Said it will let the 'other' side prepare. For what... I am not sure. Maybe to build homes and plant crops. To have lives. To have families. We did not win. We never could have won.
But we could have educated our children without calling our teachers 'Greedy' for asking for decent wages.
We could have created a decent economic structure for our country that did not rely on building weapons, rockets and missiles.
We could have fed our poor, healed our sick, housed our homeless.
But those are just weasely, greedy takers that have no place in American plans.
We still have insurgents to kill. Perhaps we need more American Insurgents.
There is more saber rattling amongst the smug and rich.....send guns and bullets to Syria, Egypt, Libya. Made me think of an old song.....from a different that cost a lot.
It was last fall that the magazine exchange thing happened. Joe had a bunch of old Playboy magazines from the late 80's and early 90's, brand new, still in their plastic mailing bags. Someone had given him a subscription and he never read them. Gave them to me. Kind of interesting....the movies they panned that turned into big hits, the Sports predictions that they got right, the ones that were wrong. Electronic gadgets that were going to set the World ON FIRE....stuff like that. I passed them on to Dave...and in return he gave me a bunch of old National Geogrphics from the late 70;s and mid 80's. Those were very interesting. I gave some to the Ex and she gave me a bunch of old gardening magazines that I gave to Brian....that he ended up taking to an old folks was fun, it a low key way....everything was old enough to be just slightly quaint.
There was one of the National Geo's that got to me. A 1985 cover that had, like the Stones said, 'The Girl With The Far Away Eyes' on it. She seemed beautiful to me. They eyes grabbed you, though, in a way that was sad and sang back centuries. I reread the article, laboriously, the eyes continue to fade, but it was a real kick in the Gut to read it.
Do the History yourself. It would not help anyone for me to do it. It was 1985 when the article was written. It talks of how the Soviets arrived; at that time they had already been fighting Afghan tribes, political factions, guerrillas from Pakistan. It tells of refugees living away from their homeland areas. It talks of how America had, at that time, already channeled over $325mm in weapons to groups fighting the Russians.
....and now some of those same weapons are used to kill Americans.
....but we still do not GET IT....there is no winning in Afghanistan. Politicians and Pundits will tell you it is now America's longest WAR.....but the poeple their, just like the Vietnamese, have been fighting for Centuries. The British failed there in the mid-Nineteenth Century...they could not succeed. Alexander the Great could not conquer them in 325 BC....and no invaders in between could. It is easy for the press to call those fighting American forces, "Insurgents", which takes away who they really are...Pushtans,Tajiks, Badakshis,Nuristanis,Uzbeks, Hazara, Turkomens, Baluch....and it is there land. I do not understand insurgent. It is a made up word. Refugee is not. Many of the native people of Afghanistan now live in Pakistan. Refugees.
Obama has set a timetable to Withdraw from Afghanistan. 2014. Millions yet to spend. Some Republicans are against a timetable. Said it will let the 'other' side prepare. For what... I am not sure. Maybe to build homes and plant crops. To have lives. To have families. We did not win. We never could have won.
But we could have educated our children without calling our teachers 'Greedy' for asking for decent wages.
We could have created a decent economic structure for our country that did not rely on building weapons, rockets and missiles.
We could have fed our poor, healed our sick, housed our homeless.
But those are just weasely, greedy takers that have no place in American plans.
We still have insurgents to kill. Perhaps we need more American Insurgents.
There is more saber rattling amongst the smug and rich.....send guns and bullets to Syria, Egypt, Libya. Made me think of an old song.....from a different that cost a lot.
Yupperz..... the times they aren't changing. I do not want to see another girl with far away eyes.
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