That would kinda sum up Billy. And he actually has found a bunch of stuff that does work. Currently he is taking aerial photographs from his plane and selling them at art shows and on line. I think he is getting pretty good.
(plus he'll usually buy me a beer if I endorse him)
But the real deal with Billy is he is a fun guy. He thinks fun. He is always grabbing an idea and running with it. When he found out that wild ginseng was selling for about $350 bucks a pound... he was ready to hit the woods looking.
Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play. –Heraclitus
Well then, Billy is most nearly himself most nearly all the time. He is so optimistic that if you filled his Christmas stocking with horse shit he would grab a rope and go looking for the pony that got away. He's so optimistic he'd buy a burial suit with two pairs of pants.Some pursue happiness, others create it. –Anonymous
Sometimes I wish he wouldn't create so much of it.
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
I have never heard him sing..... but he does laugh like Mr. Ed; he probably sings like Elvis..... or at least thinks he does. He is that optimistic.