Ha! &surprise! The Farber Fabulist, Dean at http://deansoffice.blogspot.com/ has tagged moi with a the "Six Random Things About Me" meme. Which is much better, considering local temperatures&shit, than asking me to stick my tongue on the school flag pole, but nonetheless a daunting task as "all things about me are random and discombobulated". Please, I will not apologize profusely and duck and run... but toe the line and come to task..... and as such and so forth and to wit&stuff... I will comply.
The Rules
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Six random things about me-
1.) I was in no way responsible for Hurricane Katrina. or The Bay of Pigs. or Chernobyl. or 9/11. Or any Martha Stewert recipes. or Alice Cromby's two month pregnancy back in '75'. or the b&e at the Trails End Saloon in '79. I wish folks would quit talking like they do.
2.) I discovered gravity. Absolutely. It was me. Or maybe it was the 'Law of Motion' thingee. Can't remember. The deal is that "folks that are drunk fall over". I may not be a scientist, but I do remember a thing or two the next day and sometimes I write them down.
3.) I was the 175lb wrestling champ in my ninth grade intramural league.
4.) I smoked dope and drank tequila with Ken Kesey at a party back in '76 at 3am. or 3am in '76, or smoked tequila and drank dope. Alla I remember is that both felt pretty good.
5.) I am afraid of heights. Unless I drink too much tequila or smoke too much dope. Then I am just too high to worry about it.
6.) I believe that Randal Graves is the King of Bohemia, or Cleveland. The differences blur when one has had too many beers, and , god bless me &shit, I do believe I am approaching that level.
I share the love with...
Johnny with the Good Stuff...
Missy in the Midwest
Dusty, The Keeper of Political Integrity&stuff
Dcap... the Wizard of all Wise,Wonderful,Witty&Worldly.... and burnt toast.
oKEE, Dokee.