Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Shoe me the way out

mY Buddy, my stock broker sends me dis link...............

he still has a sense of humor. and after thirty years, he still hasn't found a way to get rid of me.


susan said...

whack a mole is always relevant

Unknown said...

I love that game...had the link up several days after the Shrub ducked that poor reporters shoes.

Stay warm sweetcheeks! ;)

Mary Ellen said...

LOL! That was fun! I scored a measly one hit the first time and four the second time. Now I won't get anything done today...thanks.

Randal Graves said...

There seems to be a lag between clicking the mouse and the shoe being tossed. I blame Bush.

okjimm said...

RG... I think we can blame bush for years. Right now I want to blame the fucker for the weather. Even a two block walk to the pub is a feat of derring-do as cold as it is. Beware Cleveland... it is coming your way and it is all Bushie's fault!!

ME.... no, it is not my fault you are not getting anything done... it is Fushie's, ah, Bushies. Re: GR comment.

Dusty...stay warm? My radiators frozen the other night. Woke up and it was 48 in my apartment! It is Bushie's fault. Re:RG's comments.

Susan, indeed, whack a mole.... and then if there is a shortage of is Bushie's fault. RE: RG comments.


Anonymous said...

Seven hits baby... that should net me a bronze in this event... Too bad I could toss a pair of wingtips.

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