always expect the unexpected. That way when evil shit happens it won't be such a big surprise. Moab Diechleer
And I McCaint think of the senile fuck with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder who is running for Pretzeldynt. Everytime I see one of his ads or see him addressing throngs of disinterested voters in supermarkets.. and such.... I get painful rectal itch or an itch to retch. Or a painful itchy rectal retch.......so I try not to think of him at all. (which can be dangerous. It would be best if he was freeze-dried and put on exhibit)
Anyways.... I would rather dream of doughnuts and pleasant company.
Sit around with Randal and discuss Proust and Metallica while enjoying a cream filled doughnut.
Or have tea and a chocolate eclair with Anita and read the latest about Emily Dickinson.
Or have a Vegan doughnut with Liberality when she takes a break from moving books.
I think I was craving salsa and chips when I bought all that stuff. And Brian has totally lost interest.
I spent two hours last night weeding and harvesting. Donated more blood to the mosquitos than I did during the last Red Cross Blood drive. At least the Red Cross gives you cookies and orange juice when you are done.
So I'm gonna make some BLTs, eat lotza salads, make some chili.
Next year, though, I'm going to buy some doughnut bushes.
After all....... everyone knows,,,,,,,,,, doughnuts do not grow on trees.