Sunday, June 22, 2008


Bubba is just getting back from Milwalkeeeee....and said he would do radio slot tonight at 8cdt.....the kid breaks me up....

check streaming audio on link if you are really bored/


Mary Ellen said...

Damn, I missed the show. :-(

okjimm said...

He was filling in 'cause someone else puked out. If he takes the time slot next week I will let you know. He said I could be a guest on the show. On Air with Bub is just like throwing a football with him.....except I never have run fast.

Mary Ellen said...

Okeydokey- Just let me know in advance....cuz I'm such a busy girl. ;-)

Blank said...

Bubba is adorable! Did he get that beauty from dear old dad?

okjimm said...

Ah, Ms. Blue! Bubba only has is good looks on a 'loaner' from me. He has to give me the whole look back when he graduates. I think that is why he is dragging his ass.

It is so nice you're here! Absolutely&Stuff!

Anonymous said...

What a fresh-faced adorable cute young man! This is your son, right?

okjimm said...

yuppers, Jo, that there be da Bubba....he has added a mustache....and a lotta hair. He dropped the beard when it warmed up....I think the hair will leave as soon as the summer basketball league kicks in....but that's the kid!

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