OK. I am going to do a shameless, bald faced, straight up advertising plug...... for not only my favorite bartender..... but one of the sweetest, neatest, smileyest kiddos that I know.
Sara Dae.
She has been pouring Red Seal ale for me for a couple of years now at Oblio's and has become a very good friend.
The Deal is...... she is doing some really neat artie tote bags and stuff.... hand made....since she graduated from college and I told her I would post some of her stuff.

She had a shop on the square, just down from the coffee shop, but decided to close that and work from her home studio and sell on line.
Well, gees, I told her I would do some freebie advertising, with the implicit agreement that I would get a free beer for every bag she sold through my recommendation.... so if you visit her site and really really really decide that there is someone you love who absolutely needs one of the neat-o, spiffy keen kreations
( or if you just cannot go through life without one of your own...)
So check out her on-line stuff..... just click on the lamb.... or send her a note about custom creations.......
And remember....as you travel through life, support your friends. They may buy you a beer!
You capitalist beerswiller! If I was a chick, that skull bag would be cool. In Ohioan instead of Wisconsinese, bien sûr !
She does good work. I think that if she can come up with an official tote bag for the campaign, I will buy you a beer.
Against my better instincts (because it's gonna cost me), I emailed Sara's link to The Dancer and asked her to foward to her friends.
The things we do for (blog)love.
I might have to buy the Sushi Roll Bag. I eat Sushi once a week, am a regular at this one place, even have my own chopsticks. It's just like when I drank. We all sort of slide up to the sushi bar, we all know each other - we even have photos on the wall!
I like the sushi one too. Most cool.
Okjimm - I copied and sent the link to my wife and daughter. I told them to mention your name. Hopefully, a few more free beers will come your way. :^)
Wow, those tote bags are great, and well made, too! I was looking for something like that for my mom and mother-in-law. It looks like a Christmas order in the making. That would be two beers for you, okjimm! I have to e-mail her and ask if she'd be willing to add a monogram for an extra price, though. I think that's something they would like.
Thanks, kiddo!
I'ld like to thank everyone for checking out Sara's stuff. She is just a great heart....people like her deserve attention.
and a Cubs fan.... and her boyfriend is a die-hard Brewers fan......
ME....email her.... she will do custom work.... I believe I will have her make a bag for Miriam for Christmas, too.
will send the link to friends and family and tell them to say that okjimm sent them if they order.
This is so sweet of you okjimm.
And a bartendress too! What a woman!
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