Wowsers! I am one tired dog! In a good way, I gotta add, but tired is as tired did, see, and the guys and I done did a whole big bunch of stuff and still found time to imbibe copious amounts of beer, gin, and brandy. Some tequila, too, if I remember correctly. Now there might be some folks who think that sex is better than sitting around a campfire on a clean clear warm July night, with the winding rustling through the oak and aspen and white pine, and smoking great cigars with your best-time college buddies and telling stories about the good old days. Now I have no idea who those folks might be, but I gotta guess that they either do not get laid nearly enough or don't have any friends (probably why they don't get laid enough, huh) or maybe they don't have any stories worth telling (which could, all in all, be another reason they can't get laid enough) or have absolutely no idea how good a cigar or two a year can be. Frankly, I would rather get laid on a regular basis and have two cigars a year than smoke cigars alla time and only get laid twice a year and maybe that just my opinion&stuff, and I never wanted to be an expert on cigars (but gees, a snifter of fine brandy and a cigar IS a good thing).......anyways, I am not demeaning sex...cause it certainly has it's moments, but mere fornication is like a cheap cigar but hanging out with your Buds and enjoying true moments of brotherhood after a day of rafting down the Wolf River Dells is a spiritual moment. Of course just rafting and smoking is not the only thing to do when up North with the boys. You have to grill meat outdoors. It is a primal urge. Of course, grilling meat outdoors is Not as good as sex outdoors....but I was with the guys and we love each other a lot, but not that we settle for grilling meat. Gees, I wonder what was in that cigar we were smoking, anyways!!
I could write a bunch about the raft trip and I will after I recover. I still had a few brain cells left, and when the guys went home to their wives I went down to the the BoDean concert. There is always room for a little rock&roll. Being single has it's benefits.

Are you sure you were in Wisconsin, cuz that tree looks like something out of the Oz.
But, "nun"theless, it looks like you're having such a good time in that pic with you and the guys!
Glad you're back, I missed you!
Welcome back, and I agree, there is something amazing about a camping trip in the Great Nort Woods. I love Wisconsin, I really do.
But when did the BoDeans get old?
Sounds like a blast. What a handsome bunch of cigar sucking, bunny watching, beer drinking guys.
Glad you got home in one piece so you could wax poetic on sex.
ME....what's wrong with the tree? They like cigars, too!
Ms Jood....the music is still awfully young....the dudes still put on a great show
DCup...waxing poetic on sex is yur job! Almost in one piece. Left a little skin on a rock going through the rapids. and did a nice twist of the ankle, too. Absolutely great time! I wanna go rafting again!! Soon!!!
Just as long as you had a good time and all ;D
and everything you said about having a good time and sex, well all that is certainly true--except the part about the cigars. Dude I hate to break this to you but cigars STINK and give you bad breath besides. Smoke em something else, k?
I always wondered how the Ents celebrated after they rid Middle Earth of Saruman. Now I know.
Are you in the picture, Jimm?
The drinking part sounds cool. I'll never get the cigar thing, though. Blah!
Given the fact that species are disappearing at an alarming rate, I think you should apply for a federal grant to do more field research. Oh, poor wood bunnies.
I have to side with liberality on the cigar think. Mucho smello!
Geez...I didn't even know you were gone. But all that talk of cigars and men and grilling meat brought back images of Deliverance. ;~)
Glad you had a great time on your trip, Jimm. And thanks for adding me to you blogroll. -- Spart...
Liberality..... oh a cigar or two a year is really , well just a cigar or two. could be worse...I could be a republican.;)
Susan...well, I am related to the Ents. I had an Aunt who was an Ent. She was my favorite Entish Aunt Emma.
Yuppers...Scarlet, I am in there....I'm one of the guys around the table.
Yessiree Bob, Randal....less war and more Wood Bunny Research would be a good thing for America.
Spart....if I can get the stupid photos downloaded....a couple of the rapids are class 3 and do bear a mild resemblence to Deliverance. But you just have to look out for the Wood Bunnies, not redneck hillbillies.
Now I'm looking at that picture trying to figure out which guy looks like he uses words like wowsers!
Which guy says Wowsers? Aw gees&shit....looks pretty obvious to me. I'll give you a clue...I am the one in the photo that does not read Forbes.
wowsers&whiskers - I didn't have to look twice.
"grilling meat outdoors is Not as good as sex outdoors"
are you sure?
gees, Susan, you can tell at one look who does NOT read Forbes? that is, like, ya know, Wowsers! :)
Well, Anita, sometimes it depends on how good your mosquito repellent is..... and sometimes it IS just about the same thing ;)
Oh, I am going to find out which one you are, one way or another. In the meantime, I'm going to assume you are the one who looks like a serial killer?
OK, SWB....whicha one looks like the serial killer? oooh, and why? This could be fun, kiddo...and you have to remember....there was one guy holding the camera!
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