Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Word Verification

I know none dem foreign laguages, and my grasp of English is rudimentary at best and often, nonexistent. Hey, ain't no deal as far as I can figger, but the thing is I go to a blog, wanna leave a comment ana before I can, there is this "Word Verification" thingee. Now slow the boat down!!! Those are not words. Not that I recognize, anyways, and excuse me &stuff, I told you my linguistic capabilities have some rather strict limitations. I can only guess what some of those words that I am supposed to verify mean, but I'm gonna try.......

  1. donrsf- the office idiot
  2. icxem - firing the office idiot
  3. mvtdeeds- adding a video to a blog
  4. exeinyn- my corporate office is in New York
  5. xflwp- I fucked up
  6. vuwgyo- directions given to Japanese tourist
  7. hsnap- my husband is sleeping
  8. dxsiedo- what GWB wears to formal events
  9. hgpuhdwp- I have a headache; do it yourself
  10. mxlsu- inferior degree from a Southern University
  11. knghyxy-a chess move in Romania

So maybe someone can tell me where in Shit -Happens-Idaho these words come from and why in hell I should verify them! Or maybe I have the wrong definition. I'm just Marion's little boy Jimm and I'm rghtyop to understand.


DivaJood said...

hgpuhdwp- I have a headache; do it yourself

That's hilarious! Absofuckinglootly hilarious.

Mary Ellen said...

Love your translations, especially hsnap. Don't they have a hrsnap,though? Cuz I'm really tired and can use one about now.

I often see the letters 'fu' together in the word verifications, which makes me wonder if Google hates me. I also hate it when they are all smashed together and you can't figure out WTF it is....or sometimes they draw lines through the middle, as if it isn't hard enough to read that shit.

I hate word verification..hate it and refuse to put it on my blogs.

Life As I Know It Now said...

Ha, you are a hoot! Those definitions and "almost words" almost make sense!!!

I don't use word verification on my blog either. Have been spammed a few times but I just delete that and go on.

Randal Graves said...

Holy fuck dude, this is hilarious. You should get your own blog!

susan said...

nmcmfs - 'need more crazy mf's' who refuse word verification. Hell, I'm willing to testify that I never verify - well, hardly ever.. there are a few tender souls I'm willing to go out on a limb for. What are you doing with that axe?

okjimm said...

Verification really doesn't bother me that much. I just always thought it was amusing that they label it 'Word' verification and there never is a word. Similar to the local Fox station that calls their weather report, "Severe Weather Coverage". As if they only cover 'bad' weather? Severe weather? If the weather is 'good' they DON'T report it? Breaks me up!

Randal- I really am thinking of starting a blog. Maybe.

s. douglas said...

I hate those fucking "Word verifications" thing-a-doodles.

I always confuse the "j" with an "i," or something like that, and have to rewrite a new "Word."

susan said...

fairlane - if you make enough mistakes the eventually give you a simple one.. take it from me.

Blank said...

This is effngk brilliant!

okjimm said...

Fairlane...yuppers...but sometimes the 'words' are kinda amusing.

Susan... break me up...."if you make enough mistakes--- eventually give you a simple one"..sounds like how I got my current project! ;)

Scarlet-- brilliant, hardly, but yycnhrqs all the same.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see someone do something creative with those damned things. What a pain they are!

You, my friend, have it.

Just don't ask me what "it" is.

Anonymous said...

thTwSfnny ! :)

Anonymous said...

I think you need to put together a dictionary of this new language. Rliefkinfny....

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Well I to but I think the brief should prepare more info then it has.

Anonymous said...

Good post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

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