Monday, July 16, 2012

Let me know....

I found this in a old file .... I think it is sunrise.  Pretty sure it is over the lake.... cause it sure looks like water, see.  I think that is an oak tree.  I didn't ask.  Must have been some time ago because I sure don't remember getting up that early lately.  But I kind of like it.  Sorta.  Kinda.  I think that might be some kind of duck off to the far left.  Wouldn't know what kind.  I sure didn't ask.  If anyone knows what kind of duck or what the ducks name is...... let me know.  thanks.



okjimm said...

well, I know it is not Donald Duck.

BluebirdBlvd said...

Beautiful shot!

susan said...

I have a feeling it wasn't so much that you got up early as that you stayed up late. I'm glad you did.

Randal Graves said...

That's not a duck, that's a DHS Remote Controlled Spy Fowl.

Snoring Dog Studio said...

WHAT DUCK? Is there a duck? It's a gorgeous shot with or without foul. I mean, fowl.

okjimm said...

Bluebird... thanks! Even an idiot like me can get lucky with a camera once in awhile. Gees, it took me some time to figure out that the new fangled ones do not need film!

Susan... I think it was a insomnia induced event. I never stay up late anymore. Not any less either.

Randal... Spy fowl or foul Spy? You know what they say..."birds of a feather make great pillows" is on the right, not left. Click on the photo and wowzers...there it is. I found out later his name is John Henry Mallard, of the Milwaukee Mallards, which are either a minor league baseball team or a family of scrap metal dealers... I forget. But he was such an ugly duck they kicked him out of town.

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