Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A joke in search of a p:)nch line

blatantly borrowed (stole) from Brenton
..... of course, everyone is presumed innocent until suspended by the Commissioner.

But I'm not prejudiced.

Nope.  Nazi at all.

So help me out.... I am in search of a good punch line....

"What do you get when you have Ben Roethlisberger and Sarah Palin together in the same bar?"

Other than a rapist and a whore.

Really,..... help me out!


Randal Graves said...

Your Packers better win, dammit.

Chef Cthulhu said...

Hmmmmmm...hooooooowwwwww aboooooouuuuuuut...the only two people there who think that Ben didn't actually rape anyone.

S.W. Anderson said...

"What do you get when you have Ben Roethlisberger and Sarah Palin together in the same bar?"

Hmmm, how about Quarterback Meets Complete Ass?

okjimm said...

Randla... dy will

Chef... that's about right

SW./.. that was good! Go Pack!

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