Sunday, November 14, 2010


winter is coming.  the street lights are on.
the leaves blow
and I remember more than I should


Billie Greenwood said...

I feel this.

Commander Zaius said...

...leaves blow...

Speaking of leaves, hell yeah I yanked out my leaf blower Saturday but napalm would have really pissed off the neighbors and totally cleaned the yard up.

Jim, you okay man?

susan said...

Damn. We moved 3850 miles eastwards to be only 450 miles away from ours. An improvement.

Laura said...

Uggh! I don't want to think about winter coming. Out in western Canada they are already being hit hard with snow storms. It's only a matter of time now before they hit here as well.
If I could forget to remember more than I should, about winter ... all would be well in my world.

((Hugs))*with a titty press cause after reading your last few posts, it sounds like you could use a titty press hug*

Randal Graves said...

I can't give you a titty press as enjoyable as sunshine's, so lemme buy you a cold one.

okjimm said...

Hey...I am ok. Sometimes time and all the small spaces just get bunched up together. Appreciate the offer of a titty hug and a cold offers this week.....

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