Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Proud to have voted for the only Smart, Educated, Rational, Honest short-twice-divorced-Jewish guy in the Senate!  iffen I was gay..... I would marry him!!


Life As I Know It Now said...

thank you for voting! :)

Unknown said...

I adore you Jim! I have been giving what little I can to his campaign as he is one of the FEW I actually trust in Congress.

susan said...

You're lucky to live in a state that has one.

Randal Graves said...

His state doesn't have one anymore!

susan said...

Not good news.
Perhaps more beer?

okjimm said...

yupppperz... we done traded a smart legislator in for a fucking teabagger! I am really upset!! I shoulda voted four times instead of just three!

Commander Zaius said...

For reasons I can't really state I can write with authority that Ron Johnson is a sorry ass SOB. The bastard should move down here to South Carolina so he can be near his buddy Jim DeMint.

Commander Zaius said...

For anyone confused my email can give a hint at why I can honestly write the comment above.

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