always expect the unexpected. That way when evil shit happens it won't be such a big surprise.
Moab Diechleer
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Proud to have voted for the only Smart, Educated, Rational, Honest short-twice-divorced-Jewish guy in the Senate! iffen I was gay..... I would marry him!!
For reasons I can't really state I can write with authority that Ron Johnson is a sorry ass SOB. The bastard should move down here to South Carolina so he can be near his buddy Jim DeMint.
thank you for voting! :)
I adore you Jim! I have been giving what little I can to his campaign as he is one of the FEW I actually trust in Congress.
You're lucky to live in a state that has one.
His state doesn't have one anymore!
Not good news.
Perhaps more beer?
yupppperz... we done traded a smart legislator in for a fucking teabagger! I am really upset!! I shoulda voted four times instead of just three!
For reasons I can't really state I can write with authority that Ron Johnson is a sorry ass SOB. The bastard should move down here to South Carolina so he can be near his buddy Jim DeMint.
For anyone confused my email can give a hint at why I can honestly write the comment above.
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