OK...... is your glass half full?...... ya upset that the wars are not over? upset that the doan ask thingee not done? downright upset you're 401K tanked. Righteously so!!!!!
Well..............................just ask..... what would the alternatives been/might be
a glass full of tea? and
Yeah, it truely puzzles the shit out of me that Palin could not even finish her first term as governor and right-wingers think she is Reagan in drag.
Vote dead Gus Hall!
Totally with you on this - sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees but when you look at the big picture, there is no doubt we are so much better off than we would have been with the GOP. How can people forget so quickly?
Whenever we hear the idiots around here praise Palin my husband and I make sure to mention that she is a quitter and isn't presidential material, no way, no how.
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