Bubba and I had a good afternoon. He has invited me to be on his radio show tomorrrrrrrow night....it is on streaming audio...chechkkx the link on the left....http://www.uwosh.edu/wrst/ 8 cdt..... I get to be the guest. God. Shit, I am so excited.....he is letting me be God. It is so gratifing when a son reaches truth and understanding.
That is so cool! Have fun. I'll try to tune in if our blah connection will let me.
Oh crap! Did I miss your show? I had the chance to talk to God and I blew it???? I'm such a piss poor example of a nun...sigh.
Hope you had fun, I wish you could have taped the show so we could listen to it later.
Hi to Bubba!
Dcup....it really is fun. I was on his show last spring and he introduced me as an old homeless dude who just 'happened' to walk into the studio.
Nunly...it is Tonight! 8. I know it might interrupt a Sox game....
he told me I had to show up for the 'pre-planning' before the show. I asked when that was.
"7:55, Dad."
8:00, but in what time zone?
Anita, Central... 9:00 EDT. I think all you have to do is open the link and hit streaming audio. It would be cool. It is the college radio station and his show is talk/music. But he is my son and all so it is mostly bullshit/music.
Do you get to deejay or will it be all talk with Bubba on the turntables when you need to run out for a beer?
Sounds like fun.
Gees, susan, it is all rather 'free form' mostly Indie Rock labels or whatever he feels like. It really is fun. Playing with your children...the fun that never ends.
Well, now I'm really screwed, I have to go to Mass at 8:00 this evening. I told my son he could sleep in instead of early Mass cuz I had to go to a baby shower today. Now...what to do? Stay home and listen to "God" on the radio, or follow his Commandment and go to church? What's a Catholic to do???
Sorry, okjimm and Bubba...I have to go to Church to see the Big Guy, not the one who just plays one on the radio.
Maybe if I pray real hard you will do a re-broadcast for us. Pleeeeeeze?
Damn, I'm sorry I missed it. Let me know if you do this again. Would love to tune in. By the way, was the session recorded? If so, any possibility it can be re-aired? *kick dirt*
okjimm!! that was GREAT!! it's so odd to actually "hear" someone who you only know from blogging.
great music too. i had to leave before it was over (10:30 NY time). way past my bedtime.
but ... very cool.
Dude, that is so cool! I got there too late, had trouble getting it loaded, and wound up with Richard Diamond, Private Detective. Not as good as okjimm and Bubba.
Diva... aw, bummer. You must have got there just as we switched to PBS programming.
Anita...so glad you could tune in. I think it made Bub's night that you tuned in. Really. The kid breaks me up! Did I 'sound' OK? Keeping up with him is a challenge...but lots of fun.
you were very funny. and bubba has a great 'DJ' voice, by the way. seriously. he can run a show.
oh, and i called in ... twice!!! just to give you a hard time, about being god and all. the first time i got cut off, and the second time i was told to call back later ... then i forgot what i was going to say in the first place so i never called back.
oh well.
Ah, gees...Bubba was upset about that....he usually has someone with him who 'knows' who to run the phone....instead of me. I don't think he had the phone on at all until his friend Kelly texted him on his cell and told him to turn it on....Thanks for tuning in. We were a little disjointed...but had a great time. I really like him....doing a show with him always reminds me of when he was younger and we would throw the football around... He can still throw faster and further than I can catch up with!
Oh man, we could have called in, too? Sheesh, I missed out on everything! As the devil was tempting me to skip Mass and stick around for the show, I used my nunly super power to fight him off. Let us know when the next time you're on the show. In fact, tell Bubba that your fan club wants you to be a regular on the show. And if you do it again, I will call in!
Oh, btw, I saw your comment on my blog...a new post is up, I was just running late (as usual). ;-)
Sorry I missed all the fun. It would have been cool to hear you and also to hear your son as DJ. DJs are cool especially if they play good indie rock music.
When I went to the site last night, it had automatically checked NPR, and I didn't think to try U of Oshkosh. B'gosh.
Well hell man, see what I missed! Make sure he invites you on again!
MAN, I am sorry I missed that! And you didn't record it or anything???
He has two more shows. After last sunday we went and had a couple of beers with his friend Kelly. She is very cool. The deal they plan is to get married on the radio show next sunday.....and get divorced at the end of the show. I don't know if I will be there, but I did promise to be the "call-in" minister, the Reverend OK-Jimm.
Let you know.
Oh man..I friggin missed it. I would of loved to listen to you okjim, your a wonderful breath of fresh air in the blogosphere..
Unless of course you have been drinking..then the breath ain't so fresh! ;p
Dusty...Whatta nice thing to Say&stuff...
...but it is good quality beer....it aint sooo bad :P&all!
Oh, I guess you're ordained already, but if you need ordination, since I'm a minister, I could ordain you.
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