All rightie-Di-Dee. I am burned out. This staying out late and listening to rock&roll at the river until 11:30 and getting up at 5:30 stuff is burning me out. But it's summer....and they can be short here up Nort, so ya gotta do as much as you can when you can, cause it is real difficult to hang around outside in January and February is not worth talking about. Anyways, I think I was supposed to bring in donuts today, but I ate 'em all on the way to the office. Too bad for anyone else that wanted one. I ate 'em and don't feel a lick of guilt for doing it! So there! Ok, the deal is that Anita and Ms. Jood and Randal started talking about favorite non-alcoholic thirst quenchers &stuff and

Now I sure am hoping that getting a good Root beer made, more or less, in the old neighborhood is not something special just around these here parts, cause that sure would be a shame&stuff.

My favorite and the one that the Times ranked #1 out of twenty-five is made by the Sprecher Brewing company, one of the first micro-breweries in Wisconsin. The Beer is excellent and the root beer is to die for. The Stevens Point Brewery makes a vanilla cream that is almost as good as sex and certainly good after sex, you pick 'em.

OK. I am just typing this up as I go. I don't have an agenda and I am just rambling. So What! The deal is I really really really
do not like mass produced tastes-like-the same-old shit kinda stuff and try to get away from it as much as possible. I don't buy Coke products.....or Pepsi or Miller or Budweiser or Coors....... and I try as much as possible to patronize local anything..... including chocolates....
But I do read the NY Times. They know the real stuff when the taste it!
Sorry about the donu
ts. And I will vote for you, too, Jood. Is ME on the ticket? Or is she driving to Wisconsin for some chocolate? Tomorrow I'm grilling some Wisconsin Bratwurst....eat your hearts Vegans!

My mouth is watering. Root beer is something I crave often.
And cream soda? Yummers. And Wowsers.
I've always loved root beer, it's one of my favorite treats. Cream soda was a big hit with me when I was a kid but our family rarely had "Pop", only special occasions.
Just looking at that bottle of orange pop makes me want to throw up, though. When I was pregnant with my son, my doctor made me take one of those glucose tolerance tests...the one where you have to fast for 12 hours and then they make you drink a cup of almost pure sugary glop and then take a blood test every half hour for 2 hours to see the results of said sugary glop. The cup of glop was orange flavored and the nurse said it tasted just like orange pop. I gulped it down and puked it up immediately. So, they made me take it again...ugh. My poor baby was just about jumping out of me after it made it to him via placenta...total sugar high.
I went home and crashed after the test and slept for 4 hours, only to wake up to the worst headache I've ever had from a hangover.
Orange pop= very bad memories.
The test was negative, I wasn't diabetic. Asshole doctor.
and they can be short here up Nort
Not for much longer!
Dude, will you STOP posting about brats and root beer and chocolate? You're killin' me. Man, I could go for a heaping plate of brats and then a nap. Since I'm at work, the nap will be even more enjoyable!
So, everyone, case of orange pop for ME for Xmas?
Asshole doctor. Forget the orange-have a brat instead.....you vegan, you!
Dcup....yuppers, payday....gonna get me a six pack of soda to go with the weekend beer purchase. And looking a Mathman's haircut....realized I was getting kinda shabby....getting mine cut tomorrow. Too bad I won't look as handsome. :)
Randal....sorry buddy....had some really really really good smoke last night and woke up with the munchies. A hangover would have been gentler on the beltline!
okjimm - You're plenty handsome - walk around with those vanilla creams and women will be following you home!
Do people have to actually drive to Wisconsin for that chocolate? Couldn't you just send, maybe?
I really like Vanilla Creme soda.
okjimm, will you pack up a case of Sprechers and ship it my way? I used to drive to Stephens Point to get Point Beer back in the day - do they make a Root Beer now too? And for any of you who do drink, I recall Point Beer to be wonnerful.
As for my campaign to be Diva President, can't pick a running mate until I am the ofishal nominee, so if I am, then I would offer the VP slot to ME.
Randal- Sure...send me a case of orange pop, and I'll send you the bag of puke as a thank you gift! Really, I can't even look at the stuff.
okjimm- Vegan that I am, those brats do look great. Our seats at the Cell are right near the stand that sells the brats that are smothered in onions. The aroma just KILLS me! I don't hate the taste of meat, but went vegan for other reasons. I did find a vegan brat that's not too bad if you smother it with grilled onions and lots of hot mustard. Anything tastes good with condiments!
Root Beer does not require condiments, neither does Chocolate.
Diva- I'd be happy to be your running mate, and WHEN you win the Presidency, you can send me to all kinds of State Dinners where I can have cake for dessert, and root beer to drink,of course. I like the VP slot, lots of glory and no work. It's a slacker job, right up my alley!
As I always seem to be watching my weight lately, I found a guilt free dessert. A diet "Black Cow". Fat free/sugar free vanilla ice cream and diet root beer. Granted, the ice cream alone isn't that tasty, but throw some diet root beer (preferably Barq's which has no diet after-taste), it's really pretty good...and no guilt!
Mary Ellen!!!
A 'Diet Black Cow' and guilt, guilt, guilt.....gees, quit being Catholic and wallow in some sinful calories. I can do your confession for you during half-time of the Bear-Packer game! Gees! And I am SORRY..a Vegan Brat just doesn't cut it!
Diva...the make Excellent soda
I think the beer is just ok, but they do have a credible pale ale. Ya, ME for VP....mandatory Sox games every sunday.
My Dear Ms Scarlet....they do UPS, but not in the summer.
www.oakscandy.com. I most certainly would send....I guess that means ya gotta be my friend until at least fall, huh?
Dcup .. 'walk around with those vanilla creams and women will be following you home!'
Damn! I should have thought of that!! Carrying the big dill pickle in the pocket thing doesn't seem to work. :(
okjimm, try a cucumber next time. Worked wonders for the dude in Spinal Tap.
diva and ME in the White House? America might stop sucking large amounts of ass. Plus all the brats and cheap donuts we can eat, washed down with Wisconsin's finest rooty beer.
Cucumber! Wowsers! Brilliant! That pickle juice was the problem I think. I kept telling the babes it could be a relationship to relish....but no one bought that line.
send me some of that chocolate--pretty please!
I thought that the President was a slacker job. I mean, look at Bush, look at Reagan.
I'm jealous okjimm! All I can afford to drink is Milwaukee's Best Ice. I'm a lazy slacker.. But buying local, yeah, I'm with you on that one.
Every once in awhile I splurge and buy some Anchor Steam.
Root beer and Brats. Sounds like a plan. Enjoy the weekend.
Why is it that every time I come to your place, OKJIMM, I get really, really hungry???
Hmmmm ...
Sparts....I invented weekends. I have a patent. enjoy yourself,too.....remember that I hold the patent.....and get a royalty from all your fun too.
Anita, doan know...must be because I cannot figure out low-cal blogging....
Excuse me, I am very buzy at the moment.
Sausages look very good!
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