Wednesday, May 2, 2012

OBAMA is a Commie! AND so is WISCONSin

First off... OK... A BIG hat tip to Tengrain at MOCK PAPER SCISSORS   for bringing this to my attention.  I guess that Fox thinks Obama's new slogan is.... oh the horror!..... Communistic!

Fox's Lou Dobbs: “ I'm Not Saying Anybody Is A Communist,“ But Obama 2012 Slogan, “ Forward,“ Is Tied To Communists, Fascists

Well, gosh.... Wisconsin has been using 'FORWARD" as a slogan since, ah, 1851... just a little pre-communismishtic, if you ask me.  OK, see, I guess I knew that all along, but me being me... dirty socialist slime scum that I am.... I always thought our motto was "EAT CHEESE OR DIE"
 ..... which you have to admit is much snappier and fits on a T-shirt real nice, but I'm guessing that if Old Lou Dopps found out, why gosh, it would probably make us all Commies here in da old Cheese State.  But then, see, I started thinking.... maybe Wisco is just full of Commies, what with a Motto like, duh, Forward!

Like, get this.... hey and I am not kidding....Saturdays in the fall they hold these really big Commie Rallies down there in the State  Capital of Madison.... and All the Commie youths, see, gather and wear Commie Red clothing and drink socialist beer and chant slogans like "Defense", which everyone knows was invented by Stalin,  you cannot make this shit up, see.

yessirre Bob!




when they did that State Quarter thing....a few years ago.... They even put FORWARD on the quarter! See!  More proof that I live in a Commie Socialist State!  Everyone knows we worship cows here and cows are all femme-nazi in a sisterhood of sour milk!
Besides... ever try to milk a Bull?
Damn... hey and if that is not proof enough that Obama has just ripped off our Commie Slogan...... get this..... our State Bird is.......... a... Robin.  Commonly called... Robin Red Breast!  Goddaminit... a real Commie Bird that was worshiped by Brezhnev.  Think I am making that up?  Nope.  Just go ask Lou Dipp, he'll tell you.!
To say nothing of the fact that Robin was the name of that little masked gay kid that hung around with that pedophile, Batman.  Stuff...everyone KNOWS gays and pedophiles are Commines!  Just ask Lou Dabbs!  AND  Robin Hood was a well known socialist with all this 'give to the poor shit.  Can't make that up, No Sir!!! 
And, get this too..... Wisconington has this Statue named FORWARD.....been outside the Capital since 1893 which just shows how Commie we are..... and, get this,   the Commie Socialist Teachers whose been doing all that protestations and stuff...hey.... they sacrifice Christian Babies and Christian Republicans right  in front of!!!!

Boy and Howdy..... I sure hope Governutz Walker was watching Lou Dapps the other night and helps the Republicans get rid of Obama and the whole goddaminit State of Wisco.... that is.... iffen he can RECALL what he was elected for anywaz.
hat tip to Tengrain at MOCK PAPER SCISSORS  for bringing this to my attention..... oh the horror of it all.



D.E. Bishop said...


Life As I Know It Now said...

That Lou Dupe guy is psychic or maybe just psychotic. No, maybe he gets paid by a bunch of fat cats to say dumb shit to the dumb masses who believes everything Lou Dumbass says.

susan said...

With such a long leftist history I'm sure your state would be welcome to link up with Canada after the secession. We could use some of that old time communistic energy.

Leslie Parsley said...

Priceless. Am linking to it from a blog piece I'm working on as we speak. Just delightful.

Christopher said...

Lou Dobbs is still on cable TV? I thought he was booted off?

The things I learn from reading the blogs.

Larry said...

" I always thought our motto was "EAT CHEESE OR DIE""

Yeah, eat too much of it and it becomes EAT CHEESE AND DIE! Ooooh, but what a way to go, eh?

Does this communist taint on FORWARD have adverse affects for my favorite, "ONWARD AND UPWARD"?

Leslie Parsley said...

@Christopher: Dobbs was booted off of CNN and was swooped up by Fox.

okjimm said...

DE... I try. Sometimes it works..

Life... I guess I am starting to live a sheltered life... never heard of the guy. oh oh... he was on wonder. I still can't believe that some people believe that shit.

Susan...great idea. Most Americans think of Wisconsinites as being a little provincial anyways. ;), gosh &STUFF..thanks.

Christopher...see, I never heard of him. Leslie explains....Fox still Suxs.

S.W. Anderson said...

At one time, years ago, Dobbs seemed to have half a mind. That was a start. Unfortunately, things went the wrong way. C'est la vie.

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