Monday, January 16, 2012

WTF ! Packers !

That was the poorest performance by a 15-1 team that I have ever seen.  Pathetic.  Truly the better team..... at least yesterday... did win.

I will get over it.  See, I like football... but I am mostly a Packer Fan... and from there I go to NFC North Division, then the NFC in general.  I cannot and will not watch football all day.... nope.

But I grew up here...amongst the cows and cheese and beer... and the low rolling hills and the jack-pine forests and the little lakes and streams and rivers and the Packers just kind of grow on you like anything else.  The only team in the NFL that is owned by the public.  The smallest town in the NFL.  One of the most storied stadiums in the nation.

OK...... I was hoping for two more games.  Ain't happening.  I'll live.  And, OH.... there is plenty else going on... Recall elections and.......... hmmmmm lemmmee see.... what else goes on in Wisconsin in the winter?

I will get back to you on that.  Once I get over the goddam Packers blowing it.


Sherry Peyton said...

yeah, it sucked. We turned it off when it was 10 down and another fumble was returned to like the 3 yard line. Figured it was over. Turned back once, and Rogers had just been intercepted. Never thought they would lose to such a not very good team. At least it takes the pressure off the superbowl game. We can watch in peace. lol. On with the recall!

S.W. Anderson said...

My condolences, okjimm. Good athletes have bad days, just like the rest of us. The Packers will have better days, just as Wisconsin will once it's rid of the Koch brothers errand boy.

Larry said...

Take from a Cowboy fan who sees the Giants play twice a year every year. They can never be counted out. Their running game is to be envied.

Commander Zaius said...

At least Denver lost.

Randal Graves said...

Getting the top seed seems to be a death knell these days.

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