Thursday, July 21, 2011

Now This Is Wixconsin!! More Cows than Politicians!!!! I cropped the photo a bit, big deal, but this is what was on the front page of my local newspaper today!  Udderly ridiculous! NOW... I could milk this for all it's worth...see, and I just might.  The story was about big factory dairy farms, places with  over 2,000 cows. Turns out there a bunches of them, and that's no bullshit, but I figured they could have found a better photo.  Times are what they are, though, and I am sure the paper doesn't hire the cream of the crop anymore.  Well before anyone tries to butter me up for posting such a cool photo, and one of you out there might, I have to say that it is just so hot lately that all my thoughts just curdle.  But listen, see, the photographer could have taken a FRONTAL view, asked the cow to say, "CHEESE", BUT no no no...

Anyway.... at least it wasn't a picture of a politician.....

...... then.... it would have been

Just another.....



Ahab said...

I have to admit. Gross cow butts on page one of the newspaper is one unique way to draw attention.

okjimm said...

Ahab, you got that one right! The city editor is a friend. I have sent him and email. :)

Mauigirl said...

LOL, great post, needed a smile on such a hot day!

susan said...

That poor cow looks very uncomfortable.

The horse's ass is much more attractive than your politicians.

Sue said...

hey Jim, thanks for the laughs! Stay COOL!!

Gavrillo said...

Does Rupert Murdoch own the newspaper you mentioned?

Randal Graves said...

I come here for the naked girls and this is what I get? You owe me a beer.

Infidel753 said...

I too have a beef about the first picture, and could complain myself horse over the second. This is the most cow-ardly photographer I've ever herd of. Now I have to drink a Holstein of beer just to forget that pair of rumps.

nonnie9999 said...

such is the whey of the media these days.

okjimm said...

Maui... Ha! stay cool!:)

Susan...I would trade our politician's for cows any least you can eat the cows at the end of their term!


G'rillo... it is part of the Gannett chain, owned by... Murdoch

Randall... indulge the beast in you..naked animal parts can be exciting... be imaginative!

Infidel... ohohoh... those were GOOD... I may steal them! hehehe

nonnie...another good one.... I love, truly, love puns!

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