Monday, October 18, 2010

and then........

And me upon a buckskin pony with eyes like blue electricty and a mane like tangled fire, galloping up the hill and right off into the high heaven of the world.
William Faulkner


Commander Zaius said...

Haven't read near enough Faulkner, in fact I saw my son's English Lit reading list and he isn't on it. It should figure that the south would try to forget about one of the best writers it ever produced.

Nice Jovian picture, I hear Io is a bitching place.

Life As I Know It Now said...

By Jove, I think that Bill Faulkner is a poet :)

susan said...

Although there is so much more to read these days, writers of his quality are so rare.

Distributorcap said...

can i move to Jupiter?

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