Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Is not life a hundred times too short to be bored?”

I try to feel words in the same manner as I view trees. They are solid and firmly planted but are endlessly growing and branching, gnarly, yet kind. If you listen to trees carefully, as they converse with the wind, they never sound the same twice and with the multitude of moments in a life the possibility of viewing a tree twice and having it appear the same is non-existent. I like trees. I like words. Words are like trees to me. Sometimes. It can get confusing.

I can eat my words but I cannot eat my trees. Unless they are apple or pear trees. Then maybe I can. I can give my word and still keep it, but if I plant a tree, it is no longer possible for anyone to give it or keep it. It is just there. I can ask, "What's the good word?", but if I say the wrong 'bad' word I could get punched in the nose. Trees seldom share the good words and never will utter a bad one.

Ok. Maybe it is a lame analogy but I do like trees and it upsets me when one is cut down needlessly. Tree abuse. It also distresses me when words are twisted and abused. Lately some have been so repetitively misused that they have become shrouded in a vagueness of no meaning at all.
One of my favorite no-meaning phrases is 'Mass-Media'. Wowsers!~ Brings to mind a Catholic church service broadcast on TV or some huge globby engulfing gang of gangreous villagers with pitchforks and torches marching toward the mad monster's manse at midnight. Would that be a conservative view? Personally, I prefer the term 'Mini-Medea'; a nice, clean, neat abridged Greek play that is only an eye away, you see, from being 'Mini-Media', which sounds either like a mixed-breed lap dog adopted from the Humane Society or a blog written by an insane Cleveland Brown fan. Hard to tell the difference. Might not be one. But that is a liberal view.

Another phrase that I love is "Conservative Christian Right Wing". It rather infers that there IS a Liberal Christian Left Wing" because without two wings how can Christianity fly? And anyways, it is well know that Christians are soldiers and the 'March Onward', not 'Fly Onward' and besides, Jesus was probably too bummed out from knowing that he would never have a 34th birthday to really give a shit about which party he was going to vote for! Perhaps that is just an Independant view.

Word abuse? Tree abuse? Either way it is this trend of wanted to push people into categories that kinda upsets me. Boy&Howdy! I fell into a category, once, and let me tell you, it hurt like hell and took me a whole buncha time to crawl out! Bumping into a category is dangerous enough, but if you happen to fall into one? Dangerous! I think someone should fix all these categories before someone really gets hurt and besides, winter is coming and how can you adequately plow snow with all those categories in the street? That might be a Manic view.

OKee Doke. The point is, besides the one on my head that makes it difficult to comb my hair, is the esteemed (mostly) R. Graves over at Lenny's Melodies lays this awardee-thingee on me....

And I am wondering what he meant by that. Is it just words?HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmm...... and I am thinking and thinking.... and will get back to that later.

Yet there is this nice little word that I like to carry around with me................ one that has always confused me with it's clarity...

Love. Amour. Liebe. Amour. Любовь. ацапг. Rakas.
I think I will sit under a tree and think about it.
Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil.


Randal Graves said...

As I was reading and scrolling down and came upon the blue of the shot, I thought it was going to be a shot of this.

Both make ya think, kinda like you're blog, even though you're a psychotic, treehugging Packer fan.

Utah Savage said...

You do indeed deserve this award. Good choice Randal. Sometime we'll talk trees, Okjimm. I think you are something of a genius. I love your comments everywhere I go, but never at home. If I write about a tree I loved too well and planted unwisely, and now must shell out thousands to remove it, (notice that euphemism for kill?) would you come hold forth for me?

Anonymous said...

I read this and thought, jello. There's just no pinning you to a wall, is there? Congrats on the award. Good choice Randal.

okjimm said...

//psychotic, treehugging Packer fan//

Yuppers, RG, very proud of it too...especially the pyscho part.

Utah.... I really really do like trees. For one thing, they are a whole lot bigger than bushes!!

Spartz... Jello? hmmmm. Lime or Cherry? With fruit? Or coconut?

Anonymous said...

The way you use words like wowsers? I think this award is much deserved.

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