Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wisconsin Interrnet Troll.... in the budget

The shit that The Trolls, ah, Wisconsin Republicans have added to the State Budget, ah, corporate give-away.... is godddam mind boggling and insane.

So.... here is the deal.... right now Wisconsin has a non-profit WiscNet,  cooperative established in 1990,that provides Internet access at a low rate to most public and private schools, local governments and libraries.  That way, see, even poor students, poor people... can find places to access the internet.... free.

Of course.... that is considered, "unfair competition" by for profit internet providers, like say AT&T.... who have contributed a SHITLOAD of campaign money to the REPUBLICANS!

A small example... Here, in my corner of beautiful DownTown Wisconsin... therre is this itsy bitsy Library Co-op that provides interlibrary loan and internet services to small county libraries, among other services.  That combination speeds book sharing, which saves those small libraries a ton of money and allows rural library patrons access to a ton of material that would not be financially feasible otherwise.  Right now, through WiscNet the library co-op is able to do this for about $9,000.  If WiscNet is dissolved.... the cost rises anywhere from $29,000 to $59,000.  HMMMMMMM Shit&Bisquits!  So... instead of taking tax dollars and providing a public service... the Republicans want to take tax dollars and increase the cost of providing that same public service!
Now, remember, those are just stats for ONE LIBRARY CO-OP!  Toss in all the other libraries, the UW System Universities, public government offices..... Holy Shit.... the Republicans Trolls want to GIVE AWAY tax dollars.....but of course, the private internet providers, who have a substantial market already, just say that it is unfair that they should compete with tax provided services, that that is not a 'level playing field'!!!!   Well, no shit you dumb goddam money suckers!  Tax money should provide efficient services, not added expenses.
And, get this........

"According to UW System Spokesperson David Giroux, the language used in the legislation would also require UW-Extension and UW-Madison to return roughly $37 million in federal grant money intended for rural broadband development. In addition, UW-Madison would be forced to withdraw from online research partnerships that are dependent on the program." The Daily Cardinal

So, first you cut the budget for schools, libraries, colleges..... then you force their costs up.... and then puke up $37million. 

Now.... there is no going back to 'non'internet' days.....  but I guess greed is now popular and we can take tax money and turn it over to private enterprise and pay five times as much.... boy and howdy... that is a great way to balance the budget.
I hope so folks.... get.... pissed.... off.  New budget talks begin again today in Madison.  I think there will be some folks around the Capital protesting..... and I think I know the message...


Ahab said...

Let's also not forget proposals in the budget to cut funding for contraception, which would have a huge public health impact.

okjimm said...

Ahab... ya, that too. I am waiting for them to impose a 'fart' tax.... we do drink a lotta beer, see!

Randal Graves said...

Not that the goopers suck - they do - but everyone sucks at the corporate teat.

Down with all parties, save Kodos.

Mark @ Israel said...

Is this a joke they are playing? They use the tax money to make a business and then take the profit for themselves? Are they out of their damned minds? This should be stopped once and for all. So it's good to hear that there are folks who will be protesting.

Sherry Peyton said...

supress the vote, suppress access to information. This has all the markings of a dictatorship of the oligarchy. This so utterly sucks. I see a lot of Rethugs out of a job by 2012.

Squatlo said...

Sherry's right, OKJIMM, you've got some serious shitheads at the helm up there in your legislature and gov's office. How a progressive state like Wisconsin (with some of the best people in the world) could have gone so wrong so fast baffles the rest of the country. Watching your legislature ram through some of the language they passed in the last session was enough to remind us all that fascism is but an election away if no one stands up for the people. Hope you guys can get them out of office soon... "Fuck 'em, Bucky" is right!

Commander Zaius said...

Hate to say it but nothing surprises me now. The Elites are not only doing their best to secure their positions of power but grab as much as they can.

okjimm said...

** update**

Latest word I heard... this has been thrown out of the "budget" repair bill. Cynics say it was a throw away anyway... that they never meant to do it... but would look like good guys when they deleted it. Or, if it went through... wonderful.... assholes...this is not a democracy-

S.W. Anderson said...

"So... instead of taking tax dollars and providing a public service... the Republicans want to take tax dollars and increase the cost of providing that same public service!"

The whole concept of public service is anathema to Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/tea baggers, along with many of the criminally insane. They're all about private profit through public exploitation.

On the rare occasion when one of their big-money backers comes up with a scheme they think they can con the public into perceiving as a "public service," it looks and works like the infamous Medicare prescription drug scam. You'll recall that was bill was written by Big Pharma to benefit, first and foremost, Big Pharma. No federal government bargaining with drug makers for lower prices for seniors, as the VA does for veterans, allowed. Just pay up, put up and shut up.

That's Republican "public service" in action. What's happening in Wisconsin is just another manifestation of it, no matter if it's an attempted ripoff of low-cost Internet access or whatever they come up with next.

nonnie9999 said...

how much do you wanna bet that they plan on charging bucky for the fucking?

okjimm said...

SW....It seems like the New Reich's attitude is 'tax and give away'... the middle class pays the tax and they give it away to corporations. If I hear, "Corporation's create jobs" one more time I WILL JUST PUKE?! What jobs? adding a new corporate VP? Jobs in China? What ever happened to the concept of the Government works for the people? NOW THEY WORK FOR CORPORATIONS!

NONNIE... just heard from my Republican State Senator... he assured me that the bill is in the mail.

okjimm said...

oh... and welcome Mark@Isreal

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