Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Kid

My daughter leaves in a little more than 48 hours to study in Europe. It is a very unique program that will have her for two weeks each in some of the most stunning places in Europe; Rome, Paris, Berlin, Florence, London. She is also scheduling week sojourns to Edinburgh and Amsterdam.

She planned the Trip, paid for the Trip, researched the Trip...... in fact.... for twenty years now... she has BEEN THE TRIP!

I am very proud of the Kid. Just Saying.


Life As I Know It Now said...

As well you should be. Hope her trip is wonderful!

David Barber said...

Excellent. Hope she has the time of her life and you must be proud of her. She may not be so proud of you for showing the first photo to the world. ;-) A job well done by you and your wife!

Regards, David.

susan said...

and she's beautiful too - then and now. I wish her much happiness and wonderful adventures :-) Wish I was going too.

Laura said...

What a wonderful experience. I hope that she has many great adventures!


Randal Graves said...

I bet she has a fantastic time. You should go, too. I hear Europe has beer.

okjimm said...

Thanks all for the comments.... it has been a couple of very busy weeks. I am meeting with the Kid in an hour to make sure her bag is the correct weight. I think she is freaking out.... living out of one bag for three months. I think I am freaking out living without her for three months!

David Barber said...

Any distress calls from Edinburgh and we're only an hour away. It's been raining on and off today but it's warming up. At least all the snow has gone. She'll have a great time and I've got this kind of thing to look forward to (dread) when my two get older.

Regards mate, David.

okjimm said...

David.... thank was a big kindness! thank you! If you send your kids to The States......I wouldn't heartily endorse Wisconsin. ;)

Distributorcap said...

what a great kid you have - and you should be proud! and she is going to some very cook places - Edinburgh and Berlin are two of my favorites

Karen Zipdrive said...

Please ask the kid to send her Aunt Karen a little surprise from Amsterdam.
Just have her drop into the nearest coffee shop and ask for "the usual."

okjimm said...

Dcap...I am so happy for her opportunity. I think she is most interested in Edinburgh and Amsterdam..... the two sites she is 'on her own'

Ms Zips.... I have my trepidations ... I don't think she wants to check out the tulips

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